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Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:44 pm
by Sam the Finn
Hello from freezing Finland. My Name is Samuel Sjövall, a VW freak with a long history of working with VW, mostly Beetles. A Panel beater by education and full time hobby. Working history includes 5 years in Sydney as a Panel beater, 1986-1991. Lots of good memories and friends from those days . Today I live in Finland and working as a Commissioning coordinator for a diesel engine ( huge ones ) manufacturer.
I managed to get a win win deal so by weld-restoring a 1964 DC i'll get a -66 DC as reward. Both are in pretty bad shape, mostly underneath as we are using salt on the roads in the winter during close to zero temp's.
looking forward to "surf and learn" and collect inspiration on your good site.
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:28 pm
by ogrule
Hi Sam,
welcome to DSK your DC looks great - looking forward to more progress pics.
The frame you made for sandblasting does it attach to the rear torsion housing? And does it support the chassis?
The reason I ask is I think I have a similar problem to you, a rusted chassis which needs support.
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:19 pm
by Shaven
hi sam,
mate welcome to DSK... lovely DC mate.
keep the resto threads coming.
cheers matty
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:45 pm
by h
Welcome aboard mate!
Enjoy our summer here to warm you up
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:25 am
by 63 left hooker
Hi Sam, welcome mate!
Bet you wish you were sharing a beer with your mate Cameron in our summer sunshine
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:09 pm
by Sam the Finn
Thanks all for welcoming me. Replying to orgule regarding the trolley made for sandblasting and later for supporting the one with the rusted off frame. the trolley is bolted on at the front to axel bolt holes and at the rear to the sway bars. diagonal support from the sway bars to the aft gear box support. adding a few photos that explains it better. later on I will make a support from the trolley to the rear axle to keep the body rigid while changing the main floor beams .
Re: Newbie from Finland saying G'Day
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:16 pm
by 4tune8
tervetuloa broo
nice contra with the d/c