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Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:39 am
by 1963 Empi Radar
Completed, running and ready to enjoy!

Big thanks to my dad and Volma1 for the odds and ends that we needed.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:28 am
by kombi_maniac
your not here to fuck spiders are ya? that was quick! looking good too, well done...


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:28 am
by 1963 Empi Radar
Hey cheers! Yea well my dad and i thought hey, why piss around and lets just get the job done quickly!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:19 pm
I think its a shame you've put it on ebay....Should have enjoyed it for a while. But, each to their own.....

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:34 pm
by kombi_maniac
WHAT? its on ebay? oh nooooo!!!!drive it around australia first, give the relationship a chance to bloom...then sell it...if you still can.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:39 pm
by warb
good luck with that dual cab.... sweet bus, good luck with the sale...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:18 pm
by kombibob
Well there goes your chance of probably ever having a split again, hope its worth it...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:33 pm
I hope you sent a link to lovely 75 year old man who allowed you to buy his pride and joy off him for a mesely $100. Maybe he actually thought it was going to a nice young boy who was going to restore it and take some pride in it. He might like to know just incase he wants to buy it back?
Hopefully you have a conscience and give to this decent man a fare share of the profit you will make from this Bus. After all you are profiteering from his kindness.
If that is a restoration you did, can you show us some pics of your rust removal and replacement with sheet metal?

Good luck with the Sale Will....

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:00 pm
by byronbus
haha, dc, haha

Why didnt you advertise here 1st?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:43 pm
by Stealth
Man, were you not wanting a split after all? you were always asking for any leads, desperate to find one to call your own, then you find a gem, buy it cheap (which is always good, lets not forget that, the cheaper the better) but after 6 weeks after getting the old girl home and getting it ready for some fun your selling it?????? After all the looking, all the advise from older members re splitty's your wacking it up on ebay!!! I for one was really pleased to see you finally purchased a split and even quite envious at the quality of the find, i was even more pleased to read your daily posts and look at pics of the bus take shape and see a very happy young man driving his first splitty (and you're in your teens :shock: )

Look at the number of readers of your post and it's only 3 pages long, we are happy for you. Well good luck with it i spose

I hope you enjoy what ever you end up doing and driving.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:46 pm
by kombi1976
You're mad.
Sorry, but that's just gorgeous and you restored it just to sell it to the highest bidder?
I guess it just goes to show what's important to some people.
Miss Vdub is right.
You should chuck the old fella some money since you'll be making a few quid.
I'm betting that it'll end up in the UK.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:00 am
by byronbus
Hopefully will stay here, pity wasnt advertised here 1st, but if its just about the highest bidder and most dollars than ebay is the place, hope the paint isnt hiding any nasties...

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:33 am
by 1963 Empi Radar
Ok let me get a few things straight here. I approached the previous owner and asked if he would be bothered if i sold it and he said yes it will be fine. I poured quite a few $$$$ into it and really need the $$$$ back. Yes i will be giving the previous owner a few $$$$ too as i tink its only fair. Really my father put things into perspective. Im still only 14, it will be another few years before i get on the road and my mother and father are non to impressed in seeing me behind the wheel of a split as its not structurly safe to them. I hope to get another split soon for which ill keep it but i think choosing the chance to sell it and get a few $$$$ to fund my future education and a decent Bay DC or even a split SC would be better. Personally i think even though i have been brought up with Volkswagens, my education is very important.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:42 am
Its a completely different story to the picture first painted.
So after buying a decent DC (which will be much safer), how much money do you think will be left for your education?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:14 am
by 1963 Empi Radar
Im only looking for a bay DC and i know of a few. I have actually spent 7 years looking for one and i am only really selling it for
a) my education,
b) Purchase a Dc
c) Purchase one of the other splits i have found, for a complete future resto.

You may think im crazy or stupid well i probably am. I have received quite a bit abuse from people regarding this split, which i think is pretty Un-Australian. if anyone is offended by this at all im sorry but really a split like what i have atm is not what i need. Parents say strick while the iron is hot. Especially when im am pretty well Nil in the bank balance. I love splits very much and am so proud to see the split sitting proud in the driveway.l And driving it around the yard and out the back alley way is amazing, but really i think atm $ will be better than a split that will sit around for a few years. At least with me selling it, someone will enjoy it like it deserves to be after 23 years. Not to be sitting around.