Squat, place chin on chest, tuck head and tip forward, shoulders connect with ground and back follows through, legs go over the top and feet land on the ground. That's how I roll!
Squat, place chin on chest, tuck head and tip forward, shoulders connect with ground and back follows through, legs go over the top and feet land on the ground. That's how I roll!
this part of the coast must attract them, mid north coast that is.
i know of 4 within an hours drive of me & frenzix just a bit further
up the road makes 5,considering the sparceness of the coast thats not bad.
cheers wally
white/grey (borrowed pic)
very happy with it all, just the inside to go.
Last edited by dmb on Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Squat, place chin on chest, tuck head and tip forward, shoulders connect with ground and back follows through, legs go over the top and feet land on the ground. That's how I roll!
very nice, but what are those spots all over the front? Oh wait, that's just the chunks of vomit i blew over my monitor cause my dualcab is being picked up tomorrow thanks to losing the great ute race, along with the other lads.