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Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:28 am
by spl65t
Yep , adding to Ian's post above.
Mine can go ok - had it up to nearing 120kph. Was it fun or enjoyable....nope. I run pretty common stuff which most modernized splits would run - L Bug Box, Dual Carbs, IRS, Creative Steering blah blah. I carry my family in them and drive accordingly. These beasts would be one of the last cars I'd want to have a collision in.

Yeah I feel much more comfortable doing 120kph in my Amarok with one hand on the wheel.

I find after driving the split for a while pushing hard up the freeway or wherever etc... you do that for 30mins and feel wrecked :oops:
Longest distance I've driven was from Brisbane area to Sydney in a day - I swore never again :D
Do that in a modern can do that for hours on end.

Have a search of John's (in2VWS) ute that he crashed a few years back on here ??

Cheers Linz

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:49 pm
by braddick
I would go for a ride in a few buses and if the owner will let u have drive of some
Stopping, steering etc
Maybe the the river catch up with SA boys might be a good chance to ride in a few
I’m more than happy to take u in a spin in mine and let u drive it ( if marshmallow will let me in )
I think if u got one to steer, stop and go like mine I think u would be pretty happy
But like Ian said at the end of the day there still a brick on wheels with not much in front of u
Mine still feels pretty good on the road when u raise the bat at 150 ( at least that’s what think it’s doing when the needle up against the stopper ) just sometimes u have to pass that second b double on the highway when overtaking
Not trying to pump my own tyres up but my 63 is a beautiful thing to drive on the highway/ freeway
Good luck

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:15 pm
by VRSenator065
Humm, well look I don't want to piss anyone off, but pretty sure I am going too, sorry in advance if I do. So here goes anyhow....

Some of you guys seem to misunderstand what being engineered means. First and foremost, every single one of you driving your cars, if they have been changed from standard (shortened beams, disc brakes, seat belts, the list goes on) are defectable right now. That's just how it is, there is no point arguing with it. I have been down this path with the Senator. You are driving a defectable car, but havent been caught yet. None of us like that, me included, but it is what it is.

In the eastern startes, and it will happen here, if it isn't already. It is not uncommon for at a car show, a mobile defect station to be set up after the show has started, and every single car leaving being tested. Do you want your car defected? What hope will you have doing whats necessary to remove that defect? Do you want to own a car that you cant drive anymore?

In my case, exactly like the Senator, I am not spending thousands of hours, and tens and tens of thousands of dollars, and risking driving a defectable car on the road, its not happening. Since building the Senator, many times I have been past the cops, and it is such a satisfying feeling knowing that they can't touch me.

Having a car engineered doesnt inherantly make it safe. It's not about that, that's completely missing the point. But, for example, with seat belt mounts, lots and lots of testing, engineering, and analysis of crash scenes has determined the best way to retrofit seat belt mounting points into an older car. So for example the 75 x 50 x 3 plate, and the way its rounded edges and is chamfered is based on fact. I dont have the skills to determine that on my own, and its too costly for each of us to do it each time. So instead, an ADR has been released specifying it. We just adhere to that, take it to an engineer, he signs it off. Done.

One thing that has surpised me a little since getting mine is how many times now people have said to me, "you want to tour long distance in your bus, ha ha, good luck with that, they handle and ride like shit" No they dont handle like shit, they handle like a car designed in the 1950's. So if you don't upgrade the design at all, thats how it will handle. If want to make it better, you upgrade it, and, for the reason above, it then needs to pass engineering.

But look, at the end of the day, if the majority of the VW scene doesn't see it that way, that's none of my business, I personally dont like the patina style, but I still admire them for what they are, and the work that has gone into them. I am not a rivet counter, critisising things that arent original, but I can totally admire the skill and knowledge and attention to detail of someone who is. To each their own.

I have got onto what may be a nice path on the suspension. It early days, but as I know more I will post it up.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:58 pm
by vanell
Hey mate, you will never piss me off, I love how people achieve a result, different ways are how we advance, keep going, we are all still with you, keep posting up, DSK still loves you

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:30 pm
by VRSenator065
Lol, its all good mate, forums and me don't always get along! I get the distrust of engineering, but seriously I have seen what you and the other guys do, there's nothing to fear about it.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:56 pm
by VRSenator065
And on another note, always nice to receive bits. Cylinder heads, conrods, pushrods, elephant feet (whatever they are!!) and timing gear have arrived. So just waiting on the barrels and pistons to turn up and thats the majority of the main stuff here to get to Andrew.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:42 pm
by splitthis
VRSenator065 wrote: Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:56 pm And on another note, always nice to receive bits. Cylinder heads, conrods, pushrods, elephant feet (whatever they are!!) and timing gear have arrived. So just waiting on the barrels and pistons to turn up and thats the majority of the main stuff here to get to Andrew.
I see some familiar parts there!

You won’t piss anyone off re engineering. Anyone with a narrowed beam know they are a defect the thing is when 99% of cops look under a Kombi they have no idea what it should look like so people usually get away with it and VW people are notoriously cheap. There’s plenty of people who have gone down the engineering path it’s just big $$ and big hassle. It depends how “modern” you want to go. I can put you onto people who have had CE IRS and CSP disks engineered in Adelaide but something tells me you’re more the ‘coil over and wishbone’ type of guy :lol:

It’s all about how much $$ you want to throw at a problem. Personally I’ve always liked driving busses and they’re shitty 50 year old technology (if it’s all in good working order, not sloppy steering boxes and flogged tie rod ends). So for me the $6kish price tag + engineering for a red9 setup was crazy, but you do you and don’t ever worry about upsetting anyone on here or elsewhere. It’s great to see new people coming into the VW scene especially people who get stuck in themselves rather than just doing cheque book restos.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:43 pm
by splitthis
Forgot to say, I saw the bus today and it’s looking good! Dan seems like a nice bloke.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:57 pm
by VRSenator065
Thanks mate. Yea what may eventuate is something cool out of this for all of us Aussie guys. Seems to me we get smashed by exchange rates and freight and delivery times for almost everything. That Red9 IRS for example is just ridiculous in price. I have no issue with cheap ass's. Been told many times I am OTT on lots of things, I think coz it's true! I started off this build saying back off, this is not a show car. Next minute it's not a show car but it's not a do the minimum either. As I say. I have looked at lots of builds on here. None of them would have any issue with being engineered. It's something I do have experience in. The engineer has said a few times, Gary it's pretty much common sense. But all good. They are very cool cars, and the different way to build them is cool as. Do appreciate you guys following up though :)

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:31 pm
by VRSenator065
Have to say that CE IRS looks like a better, more cost effective option (thanks for the heads up). Going to the the engineer next week, lets see what we comes up with. Always a bit nerve wracking when someone actually checks out my bus, it is my first one, and some of the suff I did (particularly early on) is kinda ordinary!!

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:43 pm
by ogrule
When I did my 67 resto I went with the indian automotive irs bolt in no welding and am very happy with it - my engineer approved it no problem
Also went standard front beam with csp discs - my engineer approved no problem.
Rear brakes used 68 drum set up - engineer approved no problem
Fitted a remote brake booster from UK vw jim boosts front and back - dual circuit brake set up - engineer approved no problem
Steering completely rebuilt box and front end - firm to drive
It drives well and stops well
BTW I like your build beautifully done a credit to you

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:49 am
by VRSenator065
Thats fantastic info mate, appreciate that. After Thursdays visit I will know more, but looking like a bit spesh for the front, and more off the shelf for the rear. Def disc fronts, I do like the idea of disc rears but I also know well set up and adjusted drum rears work fine too. And a booster would be good for when Suesy drives it.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:23 pm
by VRSenator065
More bits, engine lid hinges, and fresh air panel that was missing on mine. Toying with the idea of putting an oil pressure, oil temp and volts guage up in it. I really like how simple and clean the actual dash is, particulaly with not even a fuel gauge, and would like to keep it that way, so might be neat, not sure. I am not wanting race car look, but just something simple and practical. And I could easily put a new panel on there if i didn't like it. Maybe some white face period looking white face guages would look OK.


Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:14 pm
by splitthis
I’ve got a spare air vent cover if you do mod that one. Then you can always switch back if you change your mind. Also if you go CE irs I have a set of 68/69 spring plates and bay window drive shafts here I’ll sell for a good price. Usually the 68/69 backing plates are the hardest part to find but VW heritage now sell repro’s and they are excellent quality, I bought a set because the originals I had were beat up and I was very impressed.

Re: 1960 Split Window Resto/Rebuild

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:16 pm
by VRSenator065
Thanks very much. Cool, at this stage I am going to go into a holding pattern suspension wise until.i speak to Sot. Going out tomorrow to check on progress on the bus with paint. Looking forward to that.