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The family that......

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:01 am
by kombi1976
Ever have one of those days?
Friday was one for me.
The indicator switch on my '68 Land Rover ute was buggered and the RHS indicator was jammed on.....yup, you could turn the LHS on but the RHS just kept going.
Next time you whinge about how hard Split parts are to find spare a thought for Land Rover owners.
Anyhow, I couldn't very well roam the streets in that as eventually the cops pull you up for driving with your hazard lights on.
Then our Split, which is the family car and the missus drives every day, blows the starter motor.
So 2 cars not working.
A friend very kindly lent us their Nissan Maxima; it's a nice car and we really needed one to get around but I felt like a class traitor driving it.
Now, I've successfully replaced a starter on a 2.0l Bay before so I thought it couldn't be that hard.
I should point about now that tools and me have an uneasy truce - I don't touch them and things don't get broken and I don't get hurt.
As such this sort of attempt is for me akin to juggling chainsaws naked.
Nevertheless I managed to pick up a replacement starter on Saturday afternoon and started to try and remove the busted one until the light failed.
That proved to be more difficult than I remembered.
Then I also remembered that on the Bay there was a hatch by which to access the engine bolt which passes through the bell housing.
After some phone calls and tips on how to get it out I had another crack at it this afternoon when I got home from some other commitments.
There is so little room I needed to get the take the air cleaner off to get at it.
After much grunting and cursing under my breath I managed to get the busted unit out from under the car and then carefully assessed exactly which way to get the replacement in.
The lower nut is easy; it attaches to a stud in the bell housing, but the engine bolt is as difficult to put back in as it is to get out.
First I tried to get my eldest son Bryn, who is 4 1/2 to hold the bolt in while I snaked my hand behind the fan housing.



The little guy did his best and he had been a tremendous help with spanners (thank goodness he can count to 17!) but his arms just aren't long enough.
Plus being under there was freaking him out a little - although not so much he didn't want to climb under there again later on.
So I had to call in the heavy artillery.....the missus.
I wasn't real keen on that.
If it falls on me, well, no great loss - I suck at changing nappies and my life insurance is ok.
But hell, we'd miss her and more people would turn up to her funeral so the caterers would charge more.
However like most things she does she was happy enough to have a go and did it well.


In fact she was so good that when it came to tighten up the engine bolt and I couldn't locate the nut properly because my forearm was rubbed raw from the doghouse cooler she stuck her hand over and tightened it up for me.
And I mean tight......I could only move it about an inch when I gave it a final check.


So then it was just a case of crawling back under it, hooking up the wires, putting the heater hose on and then getting back out and putting the air cleaner back on the RHS carb and connecting up the battery.




The result? She fired up first time no probs!! :D
And yes, the missus did take that last shot with a coin in mind....... :?
Anyhow, the moral to the story is that a family who fixes VWs together stays together.
BTW, thanks to Warb, Luke and Muller for some tips on how to get the starter in and out.
Now all I need is a Land Rover wiper switch! :|

P.S. Stayed tuned for the next family project....pulling an old 36HP out of SUPER rusty Country Buggy. :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:18 am
by Volksmuller
luv the pin stripes mate

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:20 am
by byronbus
the stripes do look hot, completely different bus now...

Starter Motor

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:46 am
by matara
I see the grass has been cut :)

Have a funny starter motor story for you... My dads next door neighbour in Ireland Tommy Foy had a 76 beetle. His starter packed up in 1990 and he hadn't bothered replacing it. He lived on a hill, and on his weekly shop to the town, he just parked it on a hill there, and bump started every time. He did that for 8 years until he passed away. The bug just outlived him without a starter motor.

Here's a pic of me and Tommy with car on the hill outisde his house. Thats his wifes car in the background.

She died shortly afterwards. When I was over there in 2002 I went round to the house to see what happened to the beetle since there was a car parked outside. The cars and house were left to the church as they had no kids. I knocked on the door, to find a flustered priest and his lady friend quite surprised I was there. I'd caught the priest having a bit of 'hows your father'!!



Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:14 pm
by Shaven
byronbus wrote:the stripes do look hot, completely different bus now...
hahaha... no need for paint now :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:45 pm
by Penguin
byronbus wrote:the stripes do look hot, completely different bus now...
I thought you were talking about that shot of his plumbers crack for a moment Bruce

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:50 pm
by gazza
HA HA Yeah 2 splits in that last pic

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:56 pm
by warb
nice one..

stripes looks good mate.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:48 pm
by kombi1976
Thanks lads.
I like the pin stripes.
There are plans to add some more.
More importantly though....the bloody thing starts now! :p

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:58 pm
by HannoverBus
Wots witht the weird angle on the rhs wheel?
Wouldn't it have bee easier on some jack stands?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 pm
by warb
my guess is, could not get the wheel out.. haha..

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:05 pm
by kombi1976
It WAS on jack stands.
I took off the wheel to make it easier to get to.
But the tyre is a 225/60 and it was so wide that I couldn't get it out of the guard unless the car was higher off the ground.
And to be blunt, I couldn't be shagged jacking it up any further.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:00 am
by gazza
Hey Man forgot to say loved the short story
and the pin strips rock

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:40 am
by byronmcmanus59
still need some parts for that landy?

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:33 pm
by kombi1976
byronmcmanus59 wrote:still need some parts for that landy?
I do actually.
Have you got an indicator switch for a IIa?
It's the triangular sorta shaped one with the 3 green wires and the single black earth wire.