my $10,000 challenge with 61 Panel

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Post by splitbus »

Mike |o\*/o| 55 11 Window

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Post by joeM »

splitbus wrote:This any good to you Joe ... 3a68e1395d
Looks tempting, but I wonder what postage will be?

In the meantime

On the off chance that any of you may have one of the following laying around for sale

Inner and outer lower dog leg both sides or full dog leg inner and outer,
Drivers side floor

I thought I would ask in in hope.
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Post by tinman »

WOW! I've had the great pleasure of spending my evenings this week reading and watching this post from page 1 to 32 and enjoyed every page.
Funky green panels from Elton is the way to go, from what I've heard and seen they'll fit with minimal massaging. And at least they won't come in bare metal with surface rust. :)
Looking forward to the next update.
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Post by joeM »

Thanks guys
HELMUT wrote: I was just thinking after watching the last vid that if you are going to cut out the dog legs while you have everything else cut out it would be a good idea to weld a brace from the b pillar to the a pillar just to keep everything in shape. just a thought.
I had a bit of a play with that, and found it was pretty stable as long as I dont hang off it, and while Im putting the new parts in its easier to align while its free as it is.
But I could be doing it wrong, so if any expects can guide me on that I would appreciate it.
Tonz Magonz wrote:The light at the end of the tunnel just got a little smaller Joe...
The first music track in this next video is for you mate.

Speaking of which, its getting harder and harder to use music in my vids as youtube detect music copyright. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to upload a video and this last one the first time I uploaded they took out the audio becouse of breach of copyright. So I had to delete it, replace an audio track and upload again. Damn em :evil:

Anyways here is Part 3
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Post by smifff »

I'm very impressed again Joe. :) :) :)
Your attention to detail is commendable and it's good to see bits going back on the front.
Keep up the great work.
Dreaming of split kombis.

Daisy our '61 11 window (under construction)
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Post by dawerks »

WELL DONE! These videos are going to be very very useful to anyone who has not done this and will save them alot of grief.

I would like to offer a few tips on the nose;

USE BUMPER brackets! You don't need them at this step, but they are a must must must. Use them to line up your nose/inner/outer valance and how your bumpers will fit. (You don't need the actual bumpers, I just used a straight edge).

Every once in a while, stick them through, if everything's ok, they will let you know.

Also, you already know this but, don't go crazy with the welds until you're 100% happy! All these pieces fit together like a puzzle and if the 'base' is off, the tolerances just get worse and worse when you get to the outside.

And, I had to slice my outer nose skin in half because it was off by about .25" or so and it just wouldn't do it's thing. :)

Sorry, last one, but when you put in the front floor... there's NO shame in cutting it in half (around the gear shift/ebrake) and installing it. That's how I did it, but some people are super good and they can get it in one piece (again, I sliced it, and it just saved me alot of agrivation).

Good job Joe!!
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Post by splitwannabe »

god knows if i have to do that to mine ill just go to my gun cabinet and do myself in. just looking at it scares the crap out of me...

but your doing a great job of it :D keep it up!
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Post by joeM »

dawerks wrote:WELL DONE! These videos are going to be very very useful to anyone who has not done this and will save them alot of grief.

I would like to offer a few tips on the nose;

USE BUMPER brackets! You don't need them at this step, but they are a must must must. Use them to line up your nose/inner/outer valance and how your bumpers will fit. (You don't need the actual bumpers, I just used a straight edge).

Every once in a while, stick them through, if everything's ok, they will let you know.

Also, you already know this but, don't go crazy with the welds until you're 100% happy! All these pieces fit together like a puzzle and if the 'base' is off, the tolerances just get worse and worse when you get to the outside.

And, I had to slice my outer nose skin in half because it was off by about .25" or so and it just wouldn't do it's thing. :)

Sorry, last one, but when you put in the front floor... there's NO shame in cutting it in half (around the gear shift/ebrake) and installing it. That's how I did it, but some people are super good and they can get it in one piece (again, I sliced it, and it just saved me alot of agrivation).

Good job Joe!!
Thanks for the valuable advice, will definitely take that onboard

Can anyone help with the following pic?
I bought my front panels but it seems the lower outer panel is lower than my original. Should I just weld a piece behind it to make up for the missing bits?
frontPanelLower.jpg (59.38 KiB) Viewed 2649 times
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Post by joeM »

splitbus wrote:This any good to you Joe ... 3a68e1395d
So this is just the passenger seat not the drivers seat :(
He has a complete set that he will sell to me for $1100 :( :(
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Post by dawerks »

You don't want to hear this but you will have to reuse your old piece to make up the difference. I believe there's a lip at the top and bottom and the new (grey) piece doesn't have a top lip.

Sand blast a bit of your old piece top and see if it's solid.

You're actually doing a cleaner job than I was! But in the end mine turned out nice...

Here's a picture of my nose and you can see all 3 gerson pieces. The grey one you have is hiding behind the outer nose piece. Notice how huge it is. (Mines pressed bumper and it's sliightly different..)


How it looked welded up...

The outer lips were the TOUGHEST! You can see on the very left side how I didn't get it 100% lined up and it shows. I will have to go back and fix it (not fun!)
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Post by dawerks »

OH! You know what??

I think you might have your grey piece upside down? The 'lip' or protrusion is where the outer nose part rests on. (Then you fold over the nose lip over the grey/inner lip).

See here... (You can't see the lip, it's covered by the nose piece but..)

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Post by martinigreenbus »

Got a close look at Joe's joint today picking up some bits (thanks mate) :wink:

This is such an awesome project. It is all being done in a single garage and so far I may suggest that joes no fear factor of getting stuck into stuff is certainly inspiring to a great number of people who have "deferring" that first cut with the grinder.

Keep up the great work mate 8)
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Post by FrankenCab »

the lower bit u have is to fix the front without removing the upper section, just make your own bit up out of sheet and cut out bumper slots , and cut the lip of piece u have and use it to fold upper section over.
What your meant to have is a piece that goes from the bottom to top of inner valence then upper skin overlaps. :)
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Post by splitbus »

Mike |o\*/o| 55 11 Window

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Post by joeM »

martinigreenbus wrote:Got a close look at Joe's joint today picking up some bits (thanks mate) :wink:

This is such an awesome project. It is all being done in a single garage and so far I may suggest that joes no fear factor of getting stuck into stuff is certainly inspiring to a great number of people who have "deferring" that first cut with the grinder.

Keep up the great work mate 8)
Thanks mate :D
FrankenCab wrote:the lower bit u have is to fix the front without removing the upper section, just make your own bit up out of sheet and cut out bumper slots , and cut the lip of piece u have and use it to fold upper section over.
What your meant to have is a piece that goes from the bottom to top of inner valence then upper skin overlaps. :)
Yep thats exactly what I'm doing thanks
splitbus wrote:Could cut into your budget a lot
Ha ha yeah quite a lot

Well as you may have gathered production of the next video has been halted till next week :( just had a few to many things on but progressing slowly, I will try and make up for it with a spectacular amazing production
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